Mac - ZOC Terminal - Updates

FIX: possible loss of keyboard focus (macOS only)
FIX: possible crash when switching tabs (macOS only)
FIX: could not type $ sign on Swedish keyboard (macOS only)
FIX: in SSH auth via keyboard-interactive, the password field did not have focus (macOS only)
FIX: problem when providing preconfigured ValuesMain.zini file in newuserprofile (Windows only)

What's news in Version 7.16.3 12/12/2017

  • FIX: ESC key did not close dialogs (macOS only)
  • FIX: middle mouse button did not work (macOS only)
  • FIX: possible crash when opening a new session / tab (macOS only)
  • FIX: keyboard shortcut Alt + Cmd + C did not close local typing (macOS only)
  • FIX: shifted keys appeared unshifted when caps lock was enabled (macOS only)
  • FIX: when activating local-typing, the entry field did not have input focus (macOS only)
  • FIX: quirk when interpreting the command for a printer post processor (macOS only)
  • FIX: when starting with TN3270 emulation active, the 3270 status line was b / w
  • FIX: host-director or quick-connect was shown on startup even if disabled in admin.ini