
Mac Hedge 17.13

Phần mềm backup dành cho các nhà làm film
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Rating 0.0 0.00 star(s)
Type $99 Paid
Author minhkhoinguyen
Kích cỡ 14.9 MB 62 Xem
Compatibility Requires 10.11 or newer
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Hedge. Backup software for filmmakers. ... Built for video. Offload footage lightning fast. Multiple sources to multiple destinations is a cinch, taking the hassle out of data handling. ... Offloading media is as exciting as decaf coffee. Hedge automates the no-brainer tasks, reducing the time spent staring and swearing.

Superfast transfers

As files get bigger and bigger, old copy-verify methods just aren’t cutting it. Hedge’s Fast Lane engine is purposely built for speed.

Simultaneous backups
Create as many copies as you need, at the same time. Hedge transfers multiple sources to all destinations, fully utilizing your bandwidth.

Keep track of everything
Keep complete track of what goes where, when and how with Transfer Logs. MHLs allow you to re-verify backups at a later moment.

Flexible storage
Hedge is just as comfortable with NAS, SAN and RAID as it is with USB or Thunderbolt disks. Working online? Upload to your cloud service, server or remote disk, with verification.

Expand your workflow
Have Hedge auto launch your AppleScripts and process footage to fit your specific workflow. Sort, transcode, rename, tag: it's all possible.

Happy Together
Hedge feels just at home on your Mac as it does on Windows. 100% native code, without cross-platform ballast, ensures stability and speed.

Fully localized
With Hedge in use in over 100 countries, for many English isn't the preferred language. Is your language missing? Contact us!

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