
Mac AppDelete 4.3.3

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Rating 0.0 0.00 star(s)
Type $7.99 Paid
Author eOffice
Kích cỡ 6 MB 58 Xem
Compatibility Intel Mac running OS 10.7 (Lion) or higher
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Year: 04/10/2017
Developer: © 2012-2017 MacPaw Labs LTD
Language: English

Uninstall Apps and...
Widgets, Preference Panes, Plugins, Bundles, Screensavers, etc. If it can be uninstalled then AppDelete can take care of it for you.
Keep your Mac clean
Don't let your Mac get full of files that can waste space and potentially cause problems. Use AppDelete to get rid of them regularly.
Find files fast
AppDelete doesn't take hours or even minutes to do its job. In fact, most uninstalls happen in a matter of seconds. Also delete from Launchpad.
Start your way
Drag and drop, choose from the menu, Quick-search panels, right-clicking, even moving an item to the trash will let AppDelete know it's time to work.
Safe to use
All files to be deleted will be previewed first to the user, and then the files will be moved to the trash not removed immediately. There's even an Undo!
64-bit performance
The latest OS version is 64-bit so why shouldn't AppDelete be? AppDelete is updated regularly to take advantage of the latest technologies.

Additional Features:
* All-New UI and revised workflow for the best AppDelete experience ever
* Optimized for operation on macOS Sierra (backwards compatible with Lion/Mountain Lion/Mavericks/Yosemite/El Capitan)
* New and Improved search algorithm to find the most files ever
* File sizes and grouping for all items
* Fully compatible with Retina displays
* All latest technologies/dev tools being utilized such as Automatic Reference Counting and Grand Central Dispatch
* Updated Tools menu with features such as App Reset, Clear Logs, and showing Library folder
* All-New Genius Search and much improved Orphans search
* Major updates to Hidden mode for background operation with menubar icon
* Additional Preferences such as Ignore List and Protect Running Apps
* Updated Help file to make options more clear to user
* Sixteen languages: English, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, and Swedish
* Sparkle updater to always have the latest version (with new localizations)
* Search filters to find items for deletion fast (including old PPC apps)
* Finds associated items that are invisible or hidden
* Trash monitoring so that simply throwing an app in the trash triggers AppDelete
* Archive/Install from Archive feature for safekeeping and transferring items to another Mac
* Password requested only once if needed instead of multiple requests
* Keeps a Log of all activities and has the ability to Undo a deletion
* Moves items into an organized deleted package in your trash
* Force Empty Trash for stubborn to remove items
* And More...
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